Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Employed, Enamored and Energized

So, I am very excited to announce that I may be working for Lobo Gymnastics!  I will, with any luck, be working in sales, working with the kiddos, helping out wherever they need me!  I also have a call-back with UPS tomorrow, so I may be working there!  I'm not sure, whichever pays better, eh?
I also wanted to mention that my WONDERFUL boyfriend came home from work last night with beautiful white daisies, my favorite flower!  Also in his arms was a bag with coffee creamer, which I was very sad to run out of on the morning of my interview, some Starbucks instant coffee, and Oragel for my aching tooth!  He is amazing!  I think he retains a lot more of what I say than I realize.  I am one lucky girl!
And finally, Pinterest.  Oh, Pinterest, you wonderful beast of a website, you.  I was cruising along, pinning here and there, and I thought, 'well, I'm just gonna check out what's pinned under "exercise."'  I'm PUMPED!  I feel like a friggin' cylon right now, as I have a plan.  I'm going to get in better shape, and what better way than to have a wallpaper on my laptop full of easy-to-do exercises!  I am super excited about this, y'all.  I want to shout it from the rooftops, I WILL GET IN SHAPE!!!!!!
So, to continue with my personal challenges, I am going to get off this adding contraption you youngins' call a computer, and READ.  Arrivederci my readers, and in parting, I leave you with this picture of a toilet that is clearly out of broken.


  1. Yay!!! A very happy blog! I hope you get the job you want. And if you want any help with exercise hit me up. <3 <3
