Sunday, April 29, 2012

Passports Are Sexy

I wrote a new poem.  If you want to read it, it's the next blog post down; it's called "Ireland."  I'm not used to writing like that, but I had all of it running through my head and I felt the need to get it down in pixels.  I don't know, maybe someone will see it and think it's good enough to steal, and one day in the future I will see my poem photoshopped into a St. Patrick's day card.  You never know.  I just needed to write it because I didn't want to forget that feeling I had just now.  I'm still feeling pretty dreamy, like I haven't quite woken up yet from spending the night with my friends last night.
I'm going to let you all in on a not-so-secret secret.  I love travelling.  I have a lust for travel that only using my passport will ever satisfy.  There are so many places I want to go, so many cultures I want to learn about firsthand.  If the poem is any indication, Ireland is pretty high up on my list of places I want to travel to.  I've been fascinated with Ireland since I was a little girl, and the desire to go there has only increased with my age.  I want so badly to go, to experience its beauty and take a million pictures.  I don't want to just go there, though.  I want to see all of Europe, I want to go to Japan, to Australia, and even to Canada.  I have been so many places, but not once have I been out of the country.  There is so much world out there, and I haven't even scratched the surface of the stunning wonders it holds.
As to the places I've been, I'm definitely not belittling them.  I've had some wonderful experiences, and have traveled to pretty much every state in the lower half of the United States, Hawaii excluded.  I have been to Disney World in Florida, I've been to the San Diego Zoo in California, and the number of times I've been to Las Vegas, Nevada seems to still be increasing.  I have also been to New York, New York, which was one of my favorite experiences.  It is the second-best trip I've ever taken.  I consider myself incredibly lucky, because I got to see the Main Street Electrical Parade at Disney World the year before it retired.  I am fortunate enough to have my own pictures of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center before September 11, 2001.  I have been so lucky to travel so much with my family when I was younger, but now that I am an adult, my hunger for travel has been starved.
There is so much beauty and so many places in the world that I have yet to experience, but I know that one day, I will go to all those places.  When I am settled in my career, every vacation I get will be spent travelling.  It may not be spent out of the country every time, but I will get there.  I will broaden my horizons.  I will feel all the wonderment of a newborn child, opening their eyes for the very first time.  I will spread my wings and fly.
Now you know my travel experiences.  What about yours?  What places have you been, and are there any places that you'd like to travel to?  Dea-beannacht, readers, and today I leave you with a little language humor.

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